CP/M Oldies (But Goodies)
Commodore and CP/M

It is truely amazing how far the personal computer has evolved over the two decades since its birth in the '70s. One of the first true computer operating systems was called 'CP/M'. Although CP/M has long since been pushed aside by DOS, Windows, Macs, OS/2, etc, there are still a large number of collectors and enthusiasts who like to tinker with these machines. (Also long gone are the days when software was written to work in a few kilobytes of RAM!)

Although we no longer support our line of CP/M software (developed in the '80s), we had collected a considerable amount of technical information on CP/M, in particular the CP/M+ version used on the Commodore C-128. (remember that machine?) This information is being made freely available, on the sole condition that it is for your personal use and is not to be exploited commercially (i.e. don't print off our files, bind them as a book and sell them!) These files are PKZIPed (version 2.x) in ASCII text format, so you will have to UnZIP them first.

Programming the 1571 disk drive:
  • Above documentation in GZip format
    Some of our C-128 CP/M software:

    Also of interest-

    Want to format or copy CP/M disks on your MS-DOS computer? Try our

    Fatal-design's C-64 emulator:

    Usenet newsgroups: (The newsgroup links may not work if your web browser does not have integrated support for newsgroups. If the links do not work, use your news reader application.)
    some CP/M and 8-bit Commodore 'Gurus':
    Other sources of CP/M info and software:
  • Our main "Links" page
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    Last updated 2000-Apr-18